The ultimate goal an existence therefore of a soul, has to be torn apart in countless of pieces, and those pieces to be put in every form of existence in the whole universe. Break your soul into an infinite number of receptors and generators, put them into the bird that greets you in the morning,
into the cat that walks on the street, into your friends and family, into the homeless, the poor, the alcoholic lost in his mind, into the delinquent trembling of fear for his life, the mosquito flying above your head, the hunting leopard, into the blazing stars and the magnificent planets, the hitting wind, the fire and the flowing water, the elder who nobody listens. Once that happens you'll treat the whole universe as you`re treating yourself.
into the cat that walks on the street, into your friends and family, into the homeless, the poor, the alcoholic lost in his mind, into the delinquent trembling of fear for his life, the mosquito flying above your head, the hunting leopard, into the blazing stars and the magnificent planets, the hitting wind, the fire and the flowing water, the elder who nobody listens. Once that happens you'll treat the whole universe as you`re treating yourself.